Reducing your carbon footprint benefits your business directly.
Eco-friendly solutions.
Global warming is an increasingly important issue for all of us. Developing new and efficient renewable energy technologies does not just involve harnessing the sun or wind to power our homes and business places.
At CRS we can offer the latest energy saving refrigeration technology combined with low wattage LED lighting systems and the most environmentally friendly refrigerants to minimise the environmental impact of our projects.
Many of our customers benefit from our heat recovery systems which harvest waste heat from refrigeration to use elsewhere in the store helping your business to be both more sustainable and economic.
Read on for a case study from one of our shops.
Smith and Clay, Heat Recovery Case Study.
Smith and Clay occupy a site in the centre of Buckingham which has contained a butcher’s shop for many generations and originally also an abattoir. It was purchased by Margaret Behan, owner of the well known and award winning Brackley Butchers. Margaret’s vision was to maintain the age and provenance of the historic listed site opposite the old Buckingham jail, while creating a modern sleek butchery and deli, above which is student accommodation.
With an extensive back of house area containing a kitchen, prep space and multiple cold rooms to serve the deli, butchery, as well as the first-floor accommodation; CRS identified during early meetings with their client that this would be an ideal project for hot water heat recovery. The result is a heat recovery installation for the entire ground floor retail, food preparation areas and a mini-district heating system for the student accommodation apartments on the buildings first floor.
To put it simply, this system works by using the waste heat energy from the butchery refrigeration equipment to generate hot water. This will save over 9 tonnes of carbon emissions per year, from this single building in Buckingham. From a purely financial angle, the fuel cost savings will pay for the heat recovery installation in less than two years and over the following seven years, generate a healthy five figure sum for the bottom line of the business. While all business costs continue to escalate, to have one expense covered within two years at which stage it is bringing in revenue, cannot be ignored.
The installation would also ensure that the environmental credentials will continue to offer freedom from further Carbon Tax Legislation and continue to advertise the business as a supporter of sustainability to the growing number of customers who wish to shop with and support environmentally active local businesses. While it may appear to be unfathomable to consider additional financial outlay a heat recovery system is a benefit to any business .